C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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/*:file:version:date: "%n V.%v; %f"
* "TAVL_DEL.C V.11; 19-Oct-91,14:47:10"
* Module: tavl_delete
* Purpose: Delete from TAVL tree the node whose identifier
* equals "*identifier", if such a node exists. Returns
* non-zero if & only if a node is deleted.
* !!NOTE!! Programs that use this module must also link in the module
* whose source is in the file "TAVLREBL.C".
* Released to the PUBLIC DOMAIN
* author: Bert C. Hughes
* 200 N.Saratoga
* St.Paul, MN 55104
* Compuserve 71211,577
/* Debugging "assert"s are in the code to test integrity of the */
/* tree. All assertions should be removed from production versions */
/* of the library by compiling the library with NDEBUG defined. */
/* See the header "assert.h".*/
#include <assert.h>
#include "tavltree.h"
#include "tavlpriv.h"
static TAVL_nodeptr remove_node(TAVL_treeptr tree, TAVL_nodeptr p, char *deltaht);
static TAVL_nodeptr remove_max(TAVL_nodeptr p, TAVL_nodeptr *maxnode, char *deltaht);
static TAVL_nodeptr remove_min(TAVL_nodeptr p, TAVL_nodeptr *minnode, char *deltaht);
/* Development note: the routines "remove_min" and "remove_max" are
true recursive routines; i.e., they make calls to themselves. The
routine "tavl_delete" simulates recursion using a stack (a very deep
one that should handle any imaginable tree size - up to approximately
1 million squared nodes). I arrived at this particular mix by using
Borland's Turbo Profiler and a list of 60K words as a test file to
example1.c, which should be included in the distribution package.
int tavl_delete (TAVL_treeptr tree, void *key)
char rb, deltaht;
int side;
int found = deltaht = 0;
register TAVL_nodeptr p = Leftchild(tree->head);
register int cmpval = -1;
register TAVL_nodeptr q;
struct stk_item {
int side;
TAVL_nodeptr p;
struct stk_item *next = block; /* initialize recursion stack */
#define PUSH_PATH(x,y) (next->p = (x), (next++)->side = (y))
#define POP_PATH(x) (x = (--next)->side, (next->p))
tree->head->bf = 0; /* prevent tree->head from being rebalanced */
while (p) {
cmpval = (*tree->cmp)(key,(*tree->key_of)(p->dataptr));
if (cmpval > 0) {
p = Rightchild(p);
else if (cmpval < 0) {
p = Leftchild(p);
else /* cmpval == 0 */ {
q = p;
p = NULL;
found = 1;
} /* end while(p) */
if (!found) return 0;
q = remove_node(tree,q,&deltaht);
do {
p = POP_PATH(side);
if (side != RIGHT)
p->Lptr = q;
p->Rptr = q;
q = p; rb = 0;
if (deltaht) {
p->bf -= side;
switch (p->bf) {
case 0: break; /* longest side shrank to equal shortest */
/* therefor deltaht remains true */
case LEFT:
case RIGHT: deltaht = 0;/* other side is deeper */
default: {
q = rebalance_tavl(p,&deltaht);
rb = 1;
} while ((p != tree->head) && (rb || deltaht));
return 1;
#undef PUSH_PATH
#undef POP_PATH
} /* tavl_delete */
static TAVL_nodeptr remove_node(TAVL_treeptr tree, TAVL_nodeptr p, char *deltaht)
char dh;
TAVL_nodeptr q;
*deltaht = 0;
if (p->bf != LEFT) {
if (RLINK(p)) {
p->Rptr = remove_min(p->Rptr,&q,&dh);
if (dh) {
p->bf += LEFT; /* becomes 0 or LEFT */
*deltaht = (p->bf) ? 0 : 1;
else { /* leftchild(p),rightchild(p) == NULL */
assert(p->bf == 0);
*deltaht = 1; /* p will be removed, so height changes */
if (p->Rptr->Lptr == p) { /* p is leftchild of it's parent */
p->Rptr->Lbit = THREAD;
q = p->Lptr;
else { /* p is rightchild of it's parent */
assert(p->Lptr->Rptr == p);
p->Lptr->Rbit = THREAD;
q = p->Rptr;
return q;
else { /* p->bf == LEFT */
p->Lptr = remove_max((p->Lptr),&q,&dh);
if (dh) {
p->bf += RIGHT; /* becomes 0 or RIGHT */
*deltaht = (p->bf) ? 0 : 1;
p->dataptr = q->dataptr;
return p;
static TAVL_nodeptr remove_min(TAVL_nodeptr p, TAVL_nodeptr *minnode, char *deltaht)
char dh = *deltaht = 0;
if (LLINK(p)) { /* p is not minimum node */
p->Lptr = remove_min(p->Lptr,minnode,&dh);
if (dh) {
p->bf += RIGHT;
switch (p->bf) {
case 0: *deltaht = 1;
p = rebalance_tavl(p,deltaht);
return p;
else { /* p is minimum */
*minnode = p;
*deltaht = 1;
if (RLINK(p)) {
assert(p->Rptr->Lptr == p);
assert(LTHREAD(p->Rptr) && RTHREAD(p->Rptr));
p->Rptr->Lptr = p->Lptr;
return p->Rptr;
if (p->Rptr->Lptr != p) { /* was first call to remove_min, */
p->Lptr->Rbit = THREAD; /* from "remove", not remove_min */
return p->Rptr; /* p is never rightchild of head */
else {
p->Rptr->Lbit = THREAD;
return p->Lptr;
static TAVL_nodeptr remove_max(TAVL_nodeptr p, TAVL_nodeptr *maxnode, char *deltaht)
char dh = *deltaht = 0;
if (RLINK(p)) { /* p is not maximum node */
p->Rptr = remove_max(p->Rptr,maxnode,&dh);
if (dh) {
p->bf += LEFT;
switch (p->bf) {
case 0: *deltaht = 1;
p = rebalance_tavl(p,deltaht);
return p;
else { /* p is maximum */
*maxnode = p;
*deltaht = 1;
if (LLINK(p)) {
assert(LTHREAD(p->Lptr) && RTHREAD(p->Lptr));
assert(p->Lptr->Rptr == p);
p->Lptr->Rptr = p->Rptr;
return p->Lptr;
if (p->Rptr->Lptr == p) { /* p is leftchild of its parent */
p->Rptr->Lbit = THREAD; /* test must use p->Rptr->Lptr */
return p->Lptr; /* because p may be predecessor */
} /* of head node */
else {
p->Lptr->Rbit = THREAD; /* p is rightchild of its parent */
return p->Rptr;